Art Submissions


We embrace our community of artists, creatives and small businesses led by women and people of color, knowing that there is more than enough space for each of us to succeed. 

We’re always looking to collaborate with visual artists on our product design. We want to use your work and highlight Black and Brown artists that are illustrators and creators. If this sounds like you, please fill out the submission form here.


  • An artist's work is reviewed on an individual basis. Rather than having particular guidelines, Under the Sunlight reviews each work on artistic merit and whether the design and style relates to the current range of Under the Sunlight’s products.
  • It would be helpful for you to review Under the Sunlight products to assess whether your artwork is appropriate for submission. We do not accept submissions of photographic artwork as we do not reproduce photographic images in our products.
  • Due to the large number of submissions, we can only respond if interested in seeing more of your work.